What’s the 411? Awesome New Tech with Storify, Planwise, PointBurst, AskOwls, Placeme, Mingly, inbenta, Vidcaster and more!
Xavier Damman, CEOCreate stories by curating social media and bringing together Tweets, YouTube videos, Instagram photos and more into a story. Subscribe to stories created by Oprah, The Washington Post, The White House, Mashable, Twitter, SF New Tech and many more Storify users. 2012 SxSW Interactive Award winner in the Social Media category. |
Vincent Turner, FounderPlanwise, see how the plans you make today, affect your finance in the future, so you can make better decisions. |
Mick Twomey, Co-FounderThe PointBurst Social Media Syndication platform enables organizations to syndicate social media through not only their own networks but also those of their affiliates as if the affiliates posted it themselves. This allows multiplication of reach, ensured brand consistency and the providing of valuable content to support both the organizations and their affiliates social media activities. |
Bisera Ferrero, Co-FounderLearn something new – Teach what you know. AskOwls brings down the geographical barriers in the world of education by enabling students and teachers to meet in virtual classrooms. Expert teachers offer lessons to a global audience, while students benefit from wealth of peer-reviewed teachers. | |
Mike Goos, VP of ProductsPlaceme is a free app for android and iphone that always remembers the places you visit without requiring any check-ins. Placeme does this privately and securely. Also, it’s a showcase app of the Alohar Mobile Ambient Location Analytics Platform. |
Tyler Koblasa, CEO & FounderMingly is a cloud-based service that brings together one’s complete network and reduces the pain of building and maintaining relationships. Mingly keeps track of new connections, alerts users before they fall out of touch with important contacts, and notifies them about key events in their contacts’ lives to help build meaningful relationships. |
Jordi Torras, CEOHow Semantic Search helps increase website traffic and conversion — and therefore revenue. |
Kieran Farr, CEO & FounderVidCaster is an online video platform — but unlike complicated “player only” platforms, VidCaster gives non-technical users the power to very easily create complete video websites. In the same way that companies use platforms like WordPress and Tumblr to power their blogs, companies like Airbnb, Zendesk, and Turnstone Furniture are using VidCaster to power their own branded video websites. |