Here are some pics from the March 2013 event. Thanks to everyone who posted some pics to the twitterverse. Enjoy!
Lots of people at #sfnt , let the show begin!
Good vibes from #sfnt!
Here we go! #sfnt
The demos will start soon #sfnt
Myles starts it off #sfnt
Matt Pacyga, CSO @ Canopy
Sensus by Canopy is the world’s first touch-sensitive, app-enhancing case for your mobile device. Sensus will debut in the summer of 2013 and is ready for talented iOS developers to take advantage of the additional functionality it brings. Register for the SDK, apply for a free Dev Kit and get ready to deliver a new experience to your current users as well as attract a brand new audience. | @canopyco -
Cool demo for the Canopy Sensus touch-sensitive iPhone case at #SFNT. Awesome way to interact with your apps.
Mathew Guiver, Founder
At we’re making taxes easier and more affordable by cutting out the middlemen, and connecting clients directly with experienced Tax Pros. At SF New Tech I’ll be giving a demo of our marketplace, bragging about our 50 Tax Pros, and explaining how my team is disrupting the tax industry. | @wefileit -
Katherine Hague, Co-Founder/CEO
ShopLocket is the easiest way to sell professionally online. ShopLocket lets you embed your products into any existing website, no storefront or setup required. With ShopLocket e-commerce is as easy and social as sharing a Youtube video. | @shoplocket -
#onstage at @sfnewtech :@shoplocket is the easiest way to sell anything online. #sfnt
#onstage at @sfnewtech :@shoplocket is the easiest way to sell anything online. #sfnt