Demos AccessNow, Syntellia, Clustrix, PoolParty, Fenrir, TheAppBuilder, Freedom Registry:
Brett Solomon, Executive DirectorAccess combines policy, technology and advocacy into a cohesive and ground-breaking action focused organization. Our mission? To protect the internet and to secure people’s open access to it. Recent impact includes rallying the international community on SOPA/PIPA with a 50 organization strong letter to the USG; our campaigns on CISPA and Protect Passwords; the release of the Global Proxy Cloud; a service that allows internet users around the world to support the Tor network to help citizens living in repressive regimes safely and securely bypass their country’s firewall and gain access to the open internet; The Access Innovation Prize to identify bold new approaches in information technology that can promote and enable human rights or deliver a social good outcome with awards totaling $100,000 across 5 categories including one in partnership with Facebook. See what Larry Lessig, Craig Newmark, Peter Gabriel, Alex MacGillivray, and others say about Access here. |
Ioannis Verdelis, COOEver wondered how a blind person can type on an iPhone? Ever wished you could actually type accurately and easily on a touch screen phone? Syntellia is developing revolutionary technologies for mobile devices, which are set to change the way people interact with their smartphones and tablets. Our first product, Fleksy is already changing the way visually impaired users type on iPhones and is set to make typing easier for every smartphone user. See the video at and see us at SF New Tech to find out more. |
Mark Sarbiewski, CMOClustrix is the leader in NewSQL distributed databases for transactional big data applications. Clustrix provides a radically simple NewSQL database that enables applications to scale to unlimited users, transactions and data, eliminates database sharding and automates fault tolerance. Customers include Symantec, AOL, MakeMyTrip, and Massive Media. |
Florian Kondert, COOPoolParty Suite enables organizations to create and manage scalable knowledge models, extract meaning and relations from big data and link enterprise data. Based on these knowledge models complex queries over various information sources can be processed to provide knowledge enrichment, search assistants, information mash-ups etc. PoolParty Software is based on W3C semantic web standards like SKOS and SPARQL, it is language-agnostic and has a GUI & API for consuming, publishing & editing linked data. The three PoolParty components are used for
PoolParty APIs can be integrated with existing enterprise platforms like Microsoft Sharepoint, WordPress, Drupal, Atlassian Confluence. Confluence. |
Greg Viloria, Marketing EvangelistWith mobile device use ever-increasing, the need for sharing data from your desktop/laptop to your mobile device is also increasing. Fenrir, Inc is proud to offer the ability to share mobile / desktop information through our Sleipnir browser. We now offer Sleipnir Linker for your mobile devices to allow you to access/share the same data anytime, anywhere, anyplace across multiple platforms and devices. You just need three items- the Sleipnir browser on your desktop/laptop, Fenrir Pass ID and Sleipnir Linker on your mobile device. Sleipnir Linker is available on Android Mobile devices. Coming soon to the Apple store. Please give Sleipnir Linker a try. |
Andrew McCartney, CTO/Co-FounderCreate and distribute a cross platform app for iOS, Android, Windows Phone and HTML5 without any developer knowledge in just 5 minutes. |
Joost Zuurbier, CEOLast month ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, has released the list with more than 1,900 applications for top level domains. With so many new domain extensions added to the root zone over the coming years it is no doubt that registrants will have the ultimate choice of getting their right domain. The supply will be endless. In open economies unlimited supply result in a low price, a very low price. Freedom Registry is a registry operator for top level domains. What sets us apart from other registry operators is that we believe domain names should be free. It’s time for a change. It’s time to wake up. It’s time for free domains. |