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An SF New Tech for the ages . . .

Here's what's on tap for the SF New Tech family this month ... 

We've got our regular, monthly, free Belly Up happy hour this week.   Come on down to the Mars Bar for a cocktail or two this Wednesday night.  No cover charge ...  just good people having a good time, talking tech.   RSVP here:

Thursday night is Startonomics!   Brought to us by our friends at Dealmaker Media, and in partnership with 500-hat wearing Dave McClure, Startonomics is a full day workshop on October 2, 2008 about how to break down and leverage the metrics of success for your startup. They don't teach you this shit at school -- so you'd really be well-served to file this one under "important event not to miss". SF New Tech peeps will receive a nice discount: the first 20 members to register using the discount code "SFMU08" will receive $100 bucks off the regular ticket price. More info and registration @

Next week, Wednesday October 8th, is an SF New Tech event for the ages.  

Check out the line up of live demos!   We'll see and hear from:

Vincent Lauria, Co-Founder & Product Guy
Lefora is forums made easy and has been called the "Blogger for forums".
Anthony Eden, Co-Founder & CTO gives you ownership and control of your digital life on your very own domain.

Reframe It
Brian McKinney, Founder & CTO
Reframe It lets you comment in the margins of the web as easily as you can write in the margins of a book.
Tom Hakel, Co-founder
Goldmail lets you create powerful messages in just minutes, combining audio and visuals.
Philip Stehlik, CEO allows mobile interaction with 1D and 2D Barcodes.

Brian Klug, Director of Engineering
PBwiki is the world's largest provider of hosted business and educational wikis.

50 tickets are FREE -- use the code:  seeyouthere
50 tickets are 50% off -- use the code:  yeahbaby
50 tickets are 25% off -- use the code:  whatadeal
50 tickets are 10% off -- use the code: isnoozed

Register here (fast!) to cash in and secure your spot:

Who loves you?

In other news:  I was in NYC for the Web 2.0 expo and promised them I'd blog about the event.   Unfortunately, I was glued to my laptop on work detail the entire time and only made it to one session -- Jonah Peretti's secrets to contagious media and social networking.  The take-away: tap the "Bored at Work" network and show off your mullet (Business up front, party in the back!) to ignite your viral campaign. More info from Jonah is here: 

See you soon!