7/27 Women in Tech update: Exit Alcatel, Enter Grubly & Brooks
Update: We regret to inform you all that Alcatel-Lucent's Laura Merlin will be stuck in Paris the eve of our Women in Tech event and unfortunately will have to miss it. We hope to see her and her ALU posse soon.
Taking Laura's place, please meet Desiree Golen, founder of Grubly.
Grubly is a marketplace for underground dinner... -- like the Airbnb for food.  Grubly has been working on a stealth project they are excited to release on Wednesday. The product is mobile focused-- essentially Grubly matches users’ food preferences, availability, and location to send custom secret invitations via text to upcoming Grubly dinners featuring local chefs around the Bay Area.
We'll also hear a few quips from the venerable and always delightful Cathy Brooks on the joys and merits of turning it all off. Can't wait!
It's going to be a great night.