FEBRUARY 9, 2011
Jonathan "@smileyj68" Smiley, Design Lead at ZURB.
Verify is an app to help people get quick proof of a concept or an idea they have by uploading a mockup or screenshot, adding a question, and creating a quick test to ask people for their opinion. http://verifyapp.com
Fabrice Henrion, Business Development Dir. Americas
OpenERP ‘s integrated suite of business applications covers a wide range of functional areas: CRM, sales management, inventory management, warehouse management, accounting, HR, document management, production, and more. http://www.openerp.com
Aaron Michel & Brandon Small, Co-Founders
InvestedInterests.com empowers people to learn whether their investments reflect their values - for free. People use our proprietary tool to screen their investments and divest from destructive companies. http://www.investedinterests.com
Tony Westfall, CEO & Danielle Wein, CMO
Invino is the first private sale site dedicated to wine, bringing consumers access to the lowest wine prices available on the web through offerings that focus on limited availability and other specific parameters. The result is a compelling call to immediate action for members who are seeking a world of wine at high value, while speaking to their unique wine styles. Log on to www.invino.com to sign up for free membership and use the promo code "sfnewtech" to receive $10 credit toward your first order.
Jack Mardack, VP Marketing
Mingleverse is a new communication service that lets up to fifty people from anywhere in the world talk live and share content together as naturally as being together in the same space. A "MingleRoom" is your own personal virtual venue, into which you can invite friends for casual conversation while looking at Facebook photos or YouTube videos, colleagues for professional collaboration, or students if you have something to teach. You can even sell tickets to virtual events you host in your MingleRoom! http://www.mingleverse.com
Lydia Sugarman, CEO
Venntive is a unique comprehensive digital marketing management platform. No more multiple accounts. No more databases out of synch. One login. One dashboard. One price based on # of contacts. http://venntive.com/
Eduardo Llach, CEO
Krome Photos is a personal photo manager service offering editing, enhancing, sharing, and back-up of your favorite memories. With Krome, photos are edited by a professional photo editor for color correction, red-eye correction, cropping, and artistic retouching. The service saves you time in editing photos and choosing the perfect ones for sharing and tagging via social networks and online photo sites for printing. http://www.kromephotos.com