After reading about the amazing Emma Taylor, co-founder of the European Disaster Volunteers in FastCompany today, we were smitten.
Emma’s tireless work to bring some semblance of normalcy to dozens of orphaned children in earthquake-ravaged Haiti –by providing them safety and security, as well as education and support– is so incredibly inspiring, we decided we’d donate the entire $2000 in cash (plus a few hundred more) we raised at our Big Summer Social Event at Stonebrook Court to help her reach her goal to fund the creation of a brand new orphanage and school for these poor kids who’ve lost everything. (We didn’t include this donation in our email yesterday because we were still uncertain how we were going to distribute these funds and deadlines were looming …)
We’re always thrilled to meet people who seek to change the world by helping those who are less fortunate than others. You can read more about EDV’s efforts here.
Although Emma is stationed down in Port Au Prince –with her sleeves rolled up and her infectious smile– she and her team at EDV have an open invitation to share their experiences with our community anytime they’re available. I know we can all learn something from their perseverance in the face of challenge.
We’re thrilled to report our donation will not only help EDV meet their fund-raising goal, it will help put 8 kids through school for a year!
Thank you Emma! And thank you to the SF New Tech Community!