David Spark of Spark Media Solutions popped over to our Best of the French Tech Tour event last week and asked attendees, “What are the biggest mistakes startups can make?”
Here are 36 of his favorite answers in less than 90 seconds.
Big thanks to all for participating:
Kevin Marks (@KevinMarks), Laurine Chassignon (@visiofair), Yuliya Dmytryshyn (@stanfy), Thibaut Duguet (@Ubifrance), Mathilde David (@Ubifrance), Lionel Roux, Sylvia Gallusser, Andra Tautu Robinson, Baptiste Lacroix, Ramon Jimenez (@Ubifrance), Phil Jeudy (@philjeudy), Guillaume Thomas (@aladom), Guillaume de La Tour, Tony Stilling (@tony2x), Brian Sherman (@clarityinfo), Nick Muldoon (@nickmuldoon), Shaun Saunders – @graffitipr), Ben Levy (@BootstrapLabs), JF Dechant (@bthecoach), Michael Nelson (@mbnel), Chase Beach (@chase_beach), James Teiser (@gonzoguru), Matthew Gonzales (@matthewgonzales), Frederic Dominioni (@rockingfred), Trevor Goss (@trevorgoss), Vassil Mladjov, Matt Fischer (@megosystems), Manuel Acevedo (@acevedo), Loic Gardiol (@loicgardiol), Steve Gurney (@sjg138), Nicolas Vilmert (@nvilmart), Daniel Chatelain (@danielchat), Arnaud Breton (@arnaud_breton), Clément Delangue (@clementdelangue), Yanni Giannaros (@yannigiannaros), Denny Arar (@dennyarar), Didier Baquier (@didierbaq), Peter Mullen (@pemullen), Gayle LaDoux (@gtotheld), Michael Compton (@easyzeke), Alex Lunev, Gregory Veran Caillavet, Claire Liot (@cstarleo), Marion Dessailly (@mariondesailly), Anne-Charlotte Chauvet (@ftt13), Jason Root (@ssgeek), Jai Decker (@jaidecker), Christian Arar, Sandira Calviac (@sandira), Valerie Morignat (@valeriemorignat), Melissa Glass (@missglass1821), Alfredo Coppola (@usmarketaccess), and Daisy the British Bulldog.