With close to 300 people in attendance and some of the most promising (and exciting) innovations in food and agriculture tech in the house — yesterday’s FoodBytes Summit with Rabobank was 120% awesome!
Check us out on ABC News!
With close to 300 people in attendance and some of the most promising (and exciting) innovations in food and agriculture tech in the house — yesterday’s FoodBytes Summit with Rabobank was 120% awesome!
Check us out on ABC News!
ABC News: Â SF Tech Crawl Gets An Inside Look At Startups
By Jonathan Bloom
A large crowd of techies wandered around Downtown San Francisco Friday, some of them in strange costumes, as part of a tech crawl.
The group was led by a woman wearing Google Glass and a couple of guys in orange astronaut suits — a gaggle of mainly 20- and 30-somethings that snaked its way through the streets of San Francisco. The group resembled a pub crawl and that’s because it’s exactly like a pub crawl. There’s free popcorn and there are glasses, the safety kind, not the drinking kind.
Myles Weissleder is the founder of San Francisco New Tech, the monthly mixer that’s like speed dating, but for startups.
This year, for the second time, he’s took that show on the road for the New Tech Crawl. With help from the mayor’s office, he’s asked local tech companies to open their doors as a sort of open house for fellow techies.
“We have a lot of startup founders, we have a lot of engineers, we have a lot of people working for their next opportunity and a lot of people who are just curious to get behind the doors of a lot of these companies that they’ve heard so much about,” Weissleder said.
From design labs to co-working spaces, the crowd got to see the creatures of tech in their natural habitat.
“This is one way, not just to see them present, but actually go to their place of work, which shows a lot of about a company,” Luxer One creative director Andres Acosta said. “And I think you learn a lot meeting their employees at their place of business, at their home.”
The tech crawl is about learning, networking, and for the companies presenting, it can also be about recruiting.
There are big names involved like LinkedIn and GitHub. For people who are new in town, it’s the best way to see why San Francisco is the capital of innovation.
Very cool video segment on how SF’s tech culture is surpassing that of Silicon Valley as pegged by Deutsche Welle TV … with a glimpse of the awesome SF New Tech community and some commentary from yours truly!
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Doing business in Silicon Valley has always been different. even unorthodox. In fact, sometimes, it doesn’t look like business at all.
In a dark, crowded night club, cocktails and conversation flow between 20 and 30-somethings wearing nametags. You’d be excused if you mistook this for a singles event. But its founder assures us tonight is about a different kind of matchmaking.
“This is the real underbelly of the tech scene,” said SF New Tech Founder Myles Weissleder.
Mixed into this crowd are CEOs, investors and maybe the entrepreneur with the next big idea. Myles Weissleder started SF New Tech to bring them all together.
“People here have some great ideas and they provide the direct input into the decision maker at that company,” said Weissleder.
Some input happens that the bar, but across the room, something else is shaping up. Tonight, eight startups will pitch their ideas to this highly educated, sometimes skeptical crowd — hoping for suggestions, publicity and maybe funding.
“Going in with a venture capitalist is a lot like going into a marriage. I would like to know someone very in depth before I decide to give them a lot of money,” said GGV Capital associate Andrew Manoske.
In that case, consider this a first date. The pitch starts like what you’d hear in a board room. Though instead of a few people to captivate, you’ve got a few hundred and most of them had a few drinks while the DJ was playing. It helps to start with a joke.
“Anyone else feel like starting a startup? The reality is you’re actually going to lose your job,” said a man who pitched.
But aside from the music and the refreshments, there’s one other little thing here you won’t find in a boardroom, and actually the clock is not so little.
“Uh, the clock was — good,” said a man who pitched. “Definitely makes you be concise and probably miss some things,” said another.
Just like in speed dating, you have five minutes. Not a second more.
“And if you can’t get your point across in five minutes then you’ve got some work to do,” said Weissleder.
Then come the questions, but survive the grilling and you could be like Xavier Damman.
Cool enough for the president and Oprah, social media tool Storify debuted here last year and has since raised $2 million. Now, its young CEO and co-founder, Xavier Damman, is back on a second date. Not to brag, but to inspire the young, casually dressed, perhaps slightly tipsy people he thinks can change the world.
“There is a better future ahead of us. And we just need to shape it and entrepreneurs, hackers are the ones who’re going to shape this future,” said Damman.
The biggest web-tech contest in Japan now lands in Silicon Valley!
The 7th Mashup Awards (MA7) opens their door to the local startups and developers to present their services and products. We call it the event the “Ninja Challenge.”
At the event, up to 10 startups interested in the Japanese market will be presentingContinue Reading
Congrats to YOU who make SF New Tech what it is!
Here’s the excerpt that talks about us …Â you can read the entire article here (but it requires a subscription)
Meet-Ups Polish Up Their Acts
Technology meet-ups are taking on a professional sheen.
The local gatherings of techies, which are often free and open to newcomers, have long been a fertile field for schmoozing and hunting for investment capital. But as the latest technology boom has gathered steam, meet-ups have proliferated and taken on more importance in the industry.
Many meet-ups have left behind their humbler origins as bull sessions around pitchers of beer. For an increasing number of entrepreneurs, they are places to recruit employees, prospect for clients and keep abreast of the latest tech trends and tools. Some of the groups now have thousands of members—and even corporate sponsors…
At San Francisco’s Mighty nightclub, a recent gathering of the SF New Tech Meetup drew about 300 people, said Myles Weissleder, the group’s founder. Tickets cost $30 at the door, but early birds got a discount. A taco truck parked outside the warehouse served up free food for attendees.
The March meet-up featured demonstrations of the wireless magazine application Flipboard, video encoding service Vid.ly and AT&T, said Mr. Weissleder.
The group began accepting formal corporate sponsorships in May 2007. Since then, it has attracted sums ranging from $1,500 to more than $50,000 from companies including AT&T, Motorola, eBay Inc.’s Pay Pal unit, Cisco Systems Inc. and Citigroup Inc.’s Citi Private Bank. EBay is slated to sponsor an event in September.
Ellie Cachette, founder and chief executive of ConsumerBell, which helps companies manage product recalls online, said she met three venture capitalists while waiting in line for the SF New Tech taco truck in 2009. One of them, Sumeet Jain, a principal at CMEA Capital, helped her develop an executive summary of her start-up’s purpose. “That connection alone did change my life,” she said. “I’ve been able to ask him really important questions, or even get introductions to people.”
Dear SF New Tech friends –
We need your help to deal with a critical issue for the San Francisco tech community.
Right now, San Francisco is the only major city in the United States that taxes stock options, and there are two competing bills at City Hall to address the issue.
One (sponsored by Supervisor Mark Farrell) would permanently stop this tax – private companies will not pay anything going forward, and existing public companies would be capped at their current levels.
Another (sponsored by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi) would only create a 6-year trial period, where public companies will still be subject to the tax, and private companies will still have to pay up to $750,000 a year once they go public.
We need to support Supervisor Mark Farrell’s legislation — this is VERY important to the technology community in San Francisco.
Please send the email below to the Mayor and the Supervisors at these email addresses:Â Board.of.Supervisors@sfgov.org; mayoredwinlee@sfgov.org
If you’re a registered voter that lives in San Francisco, you can also visit the Save SF Startups page on Votizen: https://www.votizen.com/issues/sfstartups/ and submit your letter of support. If you’re not a voter or live outside of the city, you can tweet your support with the #sfstartups hashtag.
We also need phone calls to the supervisors – go here http://www.sfbos.org/index.aspx?page=1616 for phone numbers, call the supervisors, and ask them to support Supervisor Farrell’s stock option legislation.
Finally, forward this email to everyone you know (especially other entrepreneurs who should care about this issue) and ask them to send the same email.
Have a great weekend!
– Myles
Myles Weissleder
Founder, SF New Tech
The largest, longest-running, and most-loved tech event in the Bay Area
sfnewtech.com // @sfnewtech // @sfnewtechjobs
Dear Mayor Lee and Supervisors,
I am glad to see City Hall is focusing on creating a solution to the stock options issue. As a member of the San Francisco technology community, I strongly urge you to support Supervisor Mark Farrell’s stock option legislation.
I support Supervisor Farrell’s proposal for these reasons:
1. City Hall has to create a permanent solution to the problem, or tech companies will continue to evaluate leaving San Francisco. A temporary solution sends the message that San Francisco is not interested in creating long-term solutions for the local economy.
2. Private and public companies should both be treated equally – it is the only fair solution. Supervisor Farrell’s legislation ensures that both private and public companies benefit – not only are private companies thinking about leaving San Francisco, but larger, public companies are growing their employees outside of San Francisco. I want these jobs to stay in San Francisco – and Supervisor Farrell’s legislation will do just that.
3. Supervisor Farrell’s legislation insures that San Francisco’s general fund will not face any additional budget deficit. City Hall won’t collect more taxes on stock options, but his legislation is designed so that current levels of tax revenue from stock options will stay constant.
Supervisor Farrell’s legislation strikes the right balance in creating incentives to keep tech companies in San Francisco, while protecting the City from adverse budget impacts. Our local economy is at stake – please focus on the long-term, and support Supervisor Farrell’s legislation!!
[Insert name and address]
SF New Tech gold sponsor CALinnnovates has just announced the Grateful Tech “What Technology Are You Grateful For?” Contest where you could possibly win
All you have to do is record a 30 second (max) video telling them what technology it is that you are grateful for, upload the video to youtube, and enter the youtube url along with your contact info on the contest page here.
Your video could be serious, funny, heart-warming or anything else, so long as it is “clean” (before uploading to youtube, think about whether you could watch it with your mom AND grandmom !).
In addition to the prizes above, each winner will get 100$ donated to Kiva.org in their name for them to invest in an entrepreneur of their choice.
Deadlines and Dates: The contest runs from November 23rd 2010 until December 15th, 2010 and online voting runs from December 15th, 2010 until December 31th, 2010.
For a full list of contest rules and terms, click here.
Photo: via joshfassbind
CALinnovates is a statewide coalition focused on championing the conversation about the future of California’s critical technology sector. For more information, check out calinnovates.org
You can also stay updated and follow CALinnovates on twitter @calinnovates and fan them on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CALinnovates
This just in from our Tip Line*!
Skyara, a marketplace for experiences just launched a campaign of donating an experience to charity to raise money for the UCSF Children’s Hospital.
MySpace.com co-founder Aber Whitcomb has donated a chance to win a trap and skeet shooting experience with him for a few lucky people who donate to the UCSF children’s hospital. Details here.
Please note, NO living creatures will be harmed in this event! Whitcomb promises it will be a fun event!
Our tipster notes that YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim has also promised to join in supporting the UCSF Children’s Hospital by donating an experience soon.
We are on top of it, so stay tuned to SFNewTech.com!
( Tips? News? Stories? Let us know at tips @ sfnewtech.com )
This just in from our Tip Line*!
Skyara, a marketplace for experiences just launched a campaign of donating an experience to charity to raise money for the UCSF Children’s Hospital.
MySpace.com co-founder Aber Whitcomb has donated a chance to win a trap and skeet shooting experience with him for a few lucky people who donate to the UCSF children’s hospital. Details here.
Please note, NO living creatures will be harmed in this event! Whitcomb promises it will be a fun event!
Our tipster notes that YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim has also promised to join in supporting the UCSF Children’s Hospital by donating an experience soon.
We are on top of it, so stay tuned to SFNewTech.com!
( Tips? News? Stories? Let us know at tips @ sfnewtech.com )
Peter Rojas is the co-founder of gdgt, a crowd sourced, bottom-up, social platform about consumer electronic gadgets. Rojas’ past includes being the founding editor of wildly successful technology sites Engadget, Gizmodo and Joystiq. He sold Engadget to AOL in 2005 and soon after started his 4th venture: gdgt (pronounced, “gadget“) with co-founder Ryan Block.
SFNewTech caught up with Peter at GDGT 2010 event here in San Francisco (on Nov. 12, 2010) to find out what he’s up to these days and his vision for gdgt.
SFNewTech: What came first? gdgt, the website or gdgt, the event?
Rojas: We started with the site first and our first event was kind of like a launch event. It was very similar to this, but we just meant it to be a party to celebrate the launch of the site.
SFNewTech: When did you launch the site?
Rojas: We launched the site in July 2009. Our first event was in August 2009.
SFNewTech: Where was the launch held?
Rojas: At the DNA Lounge, with about 24 companies and a similar format to this event. Then we did another launch event in New York in October 2009 and decided that maybe we should keep doing these.
So we decided to do a handful, about 5 this year, probably 6 or 7 next year.
SFNewTech: Any plans for taking gdgt to the rest of the world?
Rojas: We’d really like to, but logistically it’s just more difficult outside the U.S. We’ve definitely thought about it. We’d love to do London, because we have lots of UK users, so that would make sense at some point. I don’t think it’ll happen in 2011, but it’s definitely possible in 2012.
SFNewTech: Are you positioning gdgt as a blog or as a website?
Rojas: We’re not in business as a blog. gdgt.com is a crowd sourced, bottom-up, social platform about consumer electronics gadgets, to share what you know, and either write reviews and ask or answer questions about your gadgets.
SFNewTech: Do people have to sign up see it?
Rojas: You have to register to contribute, not to just look at it.
SFNewTech: How many users do you have?
Rojas: We have a lot, but we’re not releasing the number yet. (editor’s note: according to the Wall Street Journal, as of April 2010 gdgt has hundreds of thousands of users, and 17,000 products in its database)
SFNewTech: Are you funded or looking for funding?
Rojas: We’ve raised two rounds of funding, totaling 3.6 million. Our biggest investors are True Venture, Spark Capital and Betaworks.
SFNewTech: Who founded the company?
Rojas: It’s myself and Ryan Block. My background is I was a founder of Gizmodo, Engadget and Joystiq, this is actually my 4th company. Sold Engadget to AOL, left AOL about 2 years ago to start gdgt. (editor’s note: Ryan was editor-in-chief of Engadget)
SFNewTech: How do you compare to say the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), or is it a totally different market or audience?
A; Our biggest difference is that our event is obviously much smaller and open to the public. The CES is for trade only, so members of the general public can’t go to CES. You need to be a member of a company or the press.
SFNewTech: Awesome, anything else you’d like to add?
Rojas: Check out the site, it’s the best place to ask a question about a gadget.
An array of advice, in various form factors, from those who’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, were presented at the one day “Biz Tech Day†in San Francisco. Through tell-all presentations and panels with representatives from successful companies and venture firms, tips were doled out on lessons learned about success.
Bottom line: Create your own path, learn lessons from others, especially those who continually reinvented themselves until they found a path that led to success.
Customize your message, be absolutely factual and catch the attention of the press by being different, were some tidbits of collective wisdom given to about 100 attendees at a San Francisco event Oct. 16, 2010 – titled Startup PR Summit 2010 – hosted by PR consultant Marissa Louie.
Louie tipped off the event, noting she’d wished she’d known some of these tips when she launched her own startups.
With representation from an array of media pundits – from local to international — along with those active in a spectrum of media types – from video to blog/internet radio – attendees received a plethora of opinions on unique approaches from those various journalists.
Join SFNewTech and hundreds of the best entrepreneurs in San Francisco and Silicon Valley at the Metreon this Saturday – October 23rd.
All in a single day!
And since you are so cool, all SFNewTech peeps get 20% off the tickets for BizTechDay San Fraicisco 2010.
Get your discounted tickets now while it last! Use Promo Code SFNewTech at Checkout.
To learn more about this one of it’s kind event, visit BizTechDay San Fraicisco 2010.
Often during our interviews, we do what we call a “lightening round” session. Here is how it works. We ask the interviewee a series of questions in quick succession, and ask for one or two sentence answers.
Because spontaneous answers are quite interesting and at times very honest!
Brandon: Brandon Hill.
Brandon:Yes. My Japanese name is Banki Katayama.
Brandon: My first name (Banki) means medium feelings.
Brandon:(laughs) That’s the beer named after a city.
Brandon: I only speak Japanese and English.
Brandon: I like rock music, I’ve been into Guns’ N’ Roses.
Brandon: I like Meta font, I use Meta all the time. And Helvetica is another one I use all the time.
Brandon: I like a Berkeley based dutch designer Rudy VanderLans. Who designed a lot of designer fonts.
Brandon: I am trying to learn html 5 now.
Brandon: Cooper is our office dog. He’s not here today because it’s the weekend.
Brandon: (laughs) He’s not, he’s at home. He has more friends on Facebook than any single person in this company!
Got a startup but don’t know which way to turn for PR? Enter: Startup PR Summit 2010.
It’s not often you get to hear from the “source” of knowledge, yet at Startup PR Summit 2010, that’s precisely what you’ll get. The source is an impressive array of professionals – national, local and technology press and bloggers- ready to impart their knowledge to you. It’s a one day weekend event this October, in San Francisco with an impressive array of talent, ideal for those hoping to hone their PR strategies.
Moreover, you’ll gather information about a range of topics you can put to use immediately, from the how-tos of pitching the press including pitfalls to avoid, to evaluating whether hiring a PR team even makes sense for your venture. Tips like these are invaluable for start-ups, staring at shoestring budgets and a high thirst for PR exposure.
PR could've been a lot harder! (Elliot Richardson 1981 Press Conference. Photo by the late Gary Winogrand)
The speakers are an impressive lot of writers from various publications including Forbes, VentureBeat, Mashable and more. One event highlight is getting access to Kym McNicholas of Forbes who is offering 15 minute private coaching session to guide you through how to most effectively use face time with the press.
It’s an event worth attending if you’re searching for ways to promote your company, a rare opportunity to get first hand access to the writers and knowledge, you likely need most as a start-up in any business.
Now accepting startup business pitches on a napkin…for real!! Silicon Valley folklore has it that many of today’s most successful companies were pitched to potential funders, with ideas scribbled on a napkin. With that in mind, Pitch, a competition for startups, with at least one woman on board, is taking applications for their 4th Annual Pitch competition.
They’re requesting as low tech an entry as you can get: ideas submitted on a napkin. And that’s only part of the creative requirement.
Minimum requirements, if you will, are the founding team must have a female, and some flavor of technologist, and that your venture must at least be in alpha or beta testing. Slant the pitch towards what they’re looking to fund: a company with high-growth potential in a variety of businesses including: consumer web and mobile, enterprise web and mobile, consumer hardware, biotech and cleantech. If you’re a finalist, the venture capital doors open (check out last year’s panel) and you get to pitch a panel of high level funders where the real money comes your way.
Each Lunch Table at Pitch usually has "Lunch Leads†- Entrepreneurial Movers and Shakers in the Silicon Valley.
Move fast to be considered. Fill out the application, your business idea napkin and a 2 minute video as if you were talking to your customer by the October 8, 2010 deadline. That gets you into the consideration pool where judges evaluate your ideas. Feedback will be sent by Oct. 14, with judging on Nov. 4 at the Women 2.0 Startup Competition in San Francisco (get tickets here). Even better, if you’re not sure how to write up your business plan, you can link here for ideas on how to gets started using the sample application form.
Got questions? Feeling Shy? Get in touch with the Pitch 2010 peeps at this address – askpitch@women2.org
Grab a napkin and video camera and start your pitching!
Sometimes you never know who’s in the crowd trying to scoop a hot news story.
On Tuesday, Tim Hay, reporter for the Dow Jones Venture Wire and Wall Street Journal Blogger was in the house … and he nailed a great story about the Belgians breaching our shores in search of fame, fortune and Web 2.0 love.
It’s an excellent piece… especially when he mentions SF New Tech.
Here’s the link: http://bit.ly/OymVh
Thanks Tim!
Someone’s gotta keep cheering — may as well be us …
Check out SF New Tech in Monday’s San Francisco Chronicle!
October 20, 2008
Full steam ahead: That was the takeaway from SF New Tech’s event earlier this month, when the stock market had just started to crash. Attendees, mostly from the Web 2.0 world, were spilling out the doors, I’m told. Featured exhibitors, like social networking startup chi.mp, publishing platform provider Apture and wiki toolmaker PBwiki, were greeted like rock stars. "When they got on the stage, the crowd went nuts," said SF New Tech’s organizer, Myles Weissleder.
How to explain, given the gloom descending on the tech sector – not to mention the shellacking administered by the likes of Internet pioneer Tim O’Reilly for some of the Web 2.0’s "stupider and stupider ideas." Weissleder, who’s been in the tech event business for three years, has heard it all before, and he doesn’t buy it. From where he sits, there’s been some damage but the sky isn’t falling.
"There’s no slowdown in people thinking they’ve got the next big thing, that they can become the next Google," he said. "And that’s great. They’re in the trenches, feeling like they’ve got nothing to lose – at least until the rug is pulled out from under them or the money dries up."
Given the tenor of the times, his next get-together in November "could be a flop," he concedes. "But I don’t think that’s going to happen."
— Andrew S. Ross
Communication Arts, the preeminent publication for creative types everywhere says SF New Tech is "very cool"!
"We just came across another very cool, and ongoing, event for the San Francisco tech community—SF New Tech. Next up: Widgets up The Wazoo!"
If you landed here from Communication Arts — welcome!
Hope to see you at our events!
It’s a new look for SF New Tech! We thought it was time for a new look and feel—and thanks to our friends at Tractor.tv, we’ve got a great new home! Now we need to keep the content flowing and the conversation going. But that’s easy. We’ll soon be introducing new folks to the SF New Tech family so please stay tuned for more voices. Be sure to grab our feed to get announcements for all our events, and more.
Onward ho!