Dear SF New Tech friends –
It’s rare form for me to send a note like this but here goes: SF New Tech is on the hunt for sponsors for 2009.
It’s safe to say SF New Tech is San Francisco’s largest and longest-running monthly technology event series and community group.
Here are the numbers:
* 4500+ members (C-level executives, VPs, developers, marketers, and more.)
* 3 years of consistent monthly events
* 35 of which have been "sold out"
* 160+ companies have taken to the stage to present live demos of their new tech
* 1800+ companies have attended through the years
That said, SF New Tech is seeking to connect with forward-thinking companies who want to build relationships with some of the Bay Area’s best early adopters.
As we make our way in to 2009, one of the best ways for companies to connect with early adopters, technology buyers, and the like, is through on-the-ground relationships. Forget big ad buys on big web sites or magazines. The real — and as far as I’m concerned, ONLY — way to really connect with present and future customers is by building experiential relationships with them. Tactile, with a smile — not a poster on the wall or a piece of glossy advertising. (If you’re not investing in building relationships with your customers because you’re nervous about the economy, you may want to reconsider. Now’s the time to get on the ground and into the community. Now’s not the time to go "dark". Unless, of course, you still want it to be dark for your business when all the dust clears.)
We’ve got a number of wonderful opportunities available. From our top-of-the-line Platinum Sponsorship package right on down to our "Drinking Buddy" Sponsorship package. Or something in between: we’re all about working with companies to help them achieve their objectives.
Here’s what Platinum Sponsor Sun Microsystems has to say:
"Our long-standing sponsorship of SF New Tech has been a great asset in our arsenal to expand awareness of and increase membership in our Sun Startup Essentials program. We have gotten great exposure and access to the SF startup community, and have established Sun’s dedication to this community. For Sun, the ROI has been very high, and we plan to continue our sponsorship well into the future!" — Joann Yates, Sun Startup Essentials
If you’d like to sponsor SF New Tech — now is the time to jump into the fray.
Or, if you’d like to earn a few dollars, consider working with us to find new sponsors and we’ll toss you upwards of 20% of net proceeds. Sometimes all it takes is a single introduction and wham-o, you’re in the money.
Please email if you’re interested in learning more about our sponsorships.
Thanks and regards,
Myles Weissleder
Founder, SF New Tech.
myles @
PS: Wednesday’s big event (2/11) is almost sold out! Check out Augmented Reality, QR Barcode wizardry, neat-o Web 2.0 efforts, and yes: free (sponsored!) tacos! See Hope you can make it!