Pitch Videos from Best of the French Tech Tour. Join us with pitches from
CognikStéphane Reynaud, CTOCogniK’s solution combines big data with cognitive sciences to provide reliable TV and video recommendations without having to collect enormous amounts of information about the viewer. |
FollowappsSamir Addamine, CEOFollowapps provides brands with a SaaS platform to launch, measure, optimize, and maintain their presence and grow their audience in the mobile world. This platform provides guidance to implement a successful mobile strategy, and recommends step-by-step actions to guarantee consistency across all the apps. follow-apps.com | @follow_apps | Facebook
KpsuleFranz Tournadour, CEOKpsule is a SaaS platform that allows rich media campaign delivery within just 24 hours, easily disseminated and targeted to the most powerful web audiences. Kpsule offers unmatched performance – 3 to 5% engagement rates with up to 50% agreement rates. |
LeankrPierre Roulph, CEORedBox, created by Leankr, is a unique search engine-like second screen platform that uses the Web to gather only the most relevant content, and then pushes and synchronizes it with the TV programs in real-time. Leankr’s clients include television networks, and Tier-1 operators and broadcasters. leankr.com/ | @leankrtv | Facebook
Sush.ioThomas Guillaumin, CEOSush.io provides startups and mid-sized companies with a tailored business intelligence tool aimed at reducing paperwork and Excel spreadsheet usage. Â Its platform automatically aggregates and organizes data from 300+ Online accounts such as Paypal, T-Mobile, Github, Recurly, Mailchimp, Google adwords on a clear and well-designed dashboard. |
WimiLionel Roux, Founder, CEOWimi is a cloud-based platform for small and mid-sized companies and entrepreneurs that simplifies file sharing and project management. Additionally, Wimi synchronizes professional data (files, calendars, tasks, contacts) across team members, according to their role. It is a professional, user-friendly and secure alternative to Dropbox. www.wimi.pro | @WimiPro | Facebook
Xilopix Eric Mathieu, Co-Founder and CEOXilopix has developed a search engine and digital asset management solution featuring automatic indexing, annotation, and image content recognition. It provides a way to search, manage and find multimedia content intuitively by using your fingertips. us.xilopix.com | @Xilopix | Facebook