Hi everyone! Hope the holidays are treating you well. Here are some pics from last week’s holiday event. Enjoy!
Archives for December 2013
Here are a few takeaways from our big holiday party!
* Visit the SkyDrive folder with the mother lode of photos @ http://sdrv.ms/SFNewTechHolidays & download the one of you looking silly! [Thx for sponsoring us, SkyDrive!]
* You may also seen the event photos up on our Facebook page, too? Go tag, baby! http://www.facebook.com/sfnewtech
* NerdStalker was in the house and they probably stalked you! Watch the video!
You heard it first! SF New Tech is partnering with Macworld/iWorld to host a panel called “The Next 6 Products About to Break”. We’ll be selecting the best new apps, accessories, software and utilities tied to Apple-products to showcase their innovations LIVE on the Macworld/iWorld stage in front of media, VCs, and end users. We’ll be sharing details on how to enter in the coming weeks, but the buzz around these 6 hot products is sure to be huge. Macworld/iWorld generates over 2 billion media impressions – there is no better place to launch products for the Apple products market place. This is gunna be fun!
Score 3-day expo hall passes and 3-day conference passes to Macworld/iWorld (March 27 – 29, 2014) @ Moscone for only $10 & $149, respectively. Register with the promo code SFNT @ http://www.macworldiworld.com — sweet!
Big congrats to @Chrisbator, @Skinnyjeans, @Mohurley, @Dianasky, @Curtislu, @Irahulrana, @Libertymadison, @Aniline, @Magicsaucemedia, @Annebot who all walked away with awesome prizes!
* NewAer – http://www.newaer.com
Hope you got to meet Nick Palmer, CTO of NewAer, which enables any smartphone to automate your life from physical space. Here his Nerdstalker interview live from Mayes: http://www.nerdstalker.com/2013/12/newaer-enables-any-smartphone-to.html
* Trunx – http://www.trunx.me
Hope you got to meet Sandra Ponce De Leon of Trunx, the newly launched cloud photo storage solution that’s generating a lot of buzz lately because their focus on privacy. You’re invited to score Free Unlimited Trunx Storage until Feb 2014. That’s right — upload as much as you can now for free, forever. That means that any photo you upload to Trunx or any photo, video or EchoPix you take with the app from now until then will always be free. You can use 5 GBs or 500 GBs! After, it’s simply pay as you go. Go upload privately now.
Your Uber code is still valid, use it or lose it! Register with code “sfntmacworld” and get 20% off your first ride. Or, 10% off if you’ve already been Uberized. Visit https://www.uber.com/go/sfntmacworld
Lastly, one of you beautiful women went home with an coat that wasn’t yours! From the inbox: “Crazy odds but someone had the exact same coat as me (even the same size) — and I took theirs instead of mine. It is a Via Spiga coat, size 8, it has leather trim, and a silk black and white liner. Is it possible you could post it or send an email to yesterday’s attendees? Mine had gloves in my pockets, and this one, although a bit newer, did not.” Ring a bell? Get in touch!
Hey gang! Here’s the Nerd Stalker‘s 60s Spots they shot at our Old Tech / New Tech holiday party…Maybe you’ll see some familiar faces. Check it out!Continue Reading
Thanks to everyone who attended our event on 12.11. The SF New Tech twitterverse pics from the event are here. Enjoy!
Meet Felix Puetsch and Markus Kuhnt co-founders of Go Fetch It. Felix and Markus will be pitching at our 12.11 event. Go Fetch It lets you define what you need and from whom–go fetch it makes sure you get it. Listen to the interview as Felix and Markus talk about the why they created Go Fetch It. Continue Reading
Meet Devrim Yasar, CEO of Koding who will be pitching at our 12.11 event. Koding is a developer community and cloud development environment where developers come together and code in the browser – with a real development server to run their code. Check out some background on Devrim Yasar and the Koding community in the interview below.Continue Reading
Meet Neel Murthy, Founder of Swapbox who will be pitching at our 12.11 event. Swapbox is a convenient way to receive all your packages without having to wait for the delivery at home. We talk with Neel to discuss Swapbox and its concept. Check it out!Continue Reading
Hey, checkout the latest in wearable technology. We interviewed Shariq Hamed, CEO of ever-popular Hot SmartWatch. Shariq will be pitching at our 12.11 event. Check out his video and Don’t miss the live demo.Continue Reading
Season’s Greetings! It’s that time of the year again!
We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that on December 18th (save the date!) we’ve partnered with Macworld/iWorld and will be taking over Mayes Oyster House, San Francisco’s oldest seafood restaurant and cocktail joint (est 1867), to celebrate the holidays and give back to some amazing causes in high style. See below for how our fundraising efforts in the past have changed lives around the world forever!We’ve got a few tabletop demo opportunities available for kick-ass startups knee-deep in new tech ($500) as well as a few sponsorship opportunities for more established companies ($1000-$2500).
We’ll be sending out invitations to our amazing community soon. Please reply to this email ASAP if you want to join the fun as a demo company or sponsor. Thank you!
* Helped rebuild classrooms that were destroyed by tropical storm Isaac in Haiti (via the Hands Together to Defend the Children Orphanage)
*Â Provided dinner to 500 families in NY & NJ that were dislocated due to super-storm Sandy (via The River Fund Mobile Pantry);
* Provided 1 child in India with quality education for 1 year (via Non Formal Education Centres);
* Provided enough needles and syringes to vaccinate over 625 Somalian children (via Merlin USA).
* Trained one woman as a community health worker in Afghanistan, who will assist 9,000 women annually, in turn, saving thousands of women who would have lost their lives or the lives of their babies during pregnancy and delivery (via Creating Hope International).
* Helped provide a health worker with enough needles and syringes to provide over 1,000 vaccinations to children in clinics in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia (via Merlin’s emergency response in East Africa).
* Purchased a water treatment system for 2 families in earthquake and Cholera ravaged Haiti (via Haiti Hospital Appeal).
* Paid for books and a uniform for 1 war-torn and impoverished South Sudanese child for 1 year (via Omdurman Family Project).
* Supported civil society movements in Egypt, and protect citizen media and other independent news sources, as well as circumvent internet censorship in Egypt, Syria, and Iran by helping Access keep its servers running on the Tor Network (via Access).
* Conserved 5 acres of the Tanzanian rainforest (about the size of 4 football fields) for one year (via Tanzania Forest Conservation Group).
*Â Saved the life of a newborn by providing an Embrace Infant Warmer, an innovative low-cost warmer designed to provide thermal support to preterm newborns, in India this winter. (Via Embrace)
* Provided a complete 2 month treatment of the revolutionary, nutrient-rich Plumpy’nut® food to 1 child in Niger who is suffering from the worst form of malnutrition. (Via Edesia)
*Â Payed for supplies for job training and support (stationary, books, training curriculum and pens) for one young woman who has been exposed to the foster care and the juvenile justice system in San Francisco. (Via Spark)
* Bought a Guatemalan family a goat to help and improve their children’s potential in life. (Via Save The Children)
* Provided 2 Rocket stoves plus hands-on training to 2 Haitian women who’s families were displaced by the devastating 7.1 earthquake so they may cook their family’s food safely. (Via Trees, Water & People)
* Provided a loan for 1 impoverished woman in rural East Africa to start a business to help support her family. (Via Women’s Microfinance Initiative)
* Purchased 2,000 water purification tablets to treat 10,000 liters of water for at-risk communities in need of clean water. (Via UNICEF Tap Project)
* Provided 3 emergency clean birthing kits, including a bar of soap, clear plastic sheet, razor blade, an umbilical cord tie, cloth and latex gloves to help deliver safe babies in crisis situations and locales. (Via UNFPA)
* Helped to fight & end child sex slavery in the U.S by helping 3 Generations redesign & enhance their current website to fully utilize the latest social media tools & broaden their reach. (Via 3 Generations)