Demos from Hotmail, P6, EVR1, Glomper, Entryless, Vitamin T & more!
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Archives for May 2012
Good times last night, per usual. If you missed it, you missed it. Maybe we’ll see you at the next one on 6/6 for the Best of the French Tech Tour!
In the meantime, please check out the night as it was Storified by clicking here.
If you’re interested in connecting with Vitamin T about your recruiting needs and/or would like to reach out to our friends at Hotmail or any other presenting companies last night, please tweet at us @sfnewtech and we’ll make it happen.
Also, as promised, here are the 60 Second Spots from last night. Go track down that lead.
Greg Viloria
btrax, Inc
Seeking beta testers for an app, contact;
Ayako Hasegawa
Seeking advertisers for our mobile advertising platform, if you connect to asia and mobile see us!
Jennifer Willard
Women in AV
Please share information with all the women and men you know in STEM industries about and to learn more about the AV industry!
cesar villuela
california spain chamber of commerce
Helping producers in spain to bring their products here and also help american companies to find opportunities in spain
Sam Rahimi
Seeking new users for our social video beta, partnerships with content providers, seed capital.
Party could be the start of the next big startup
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Doing business in Silicon Valley has always been different. even unorthodox. In fact, sometimes, it doesn’t look like business at all.
In a dark, crowded night club, cocktails and conversation flow between 20 and 30-somethings wearing nametags. You’d be excused if you mistook this for a singles event. But its founder assures us tonight is about a different kind of matchmaking.
“This is the real underbelly of the tech scene,” said SF New Tech Founder Myles Weissleder.
Mixed into this crowd are CEOs, investors and maybe the entrepreneur with the next big idea. Myles Weissleder started SF New Tech to bring them all together.
“People here have some great ideas and they provide the direct input into the decision maker at that company,” said Weissleder.
Some input happens that the bar, but across the room, something else is shaping up. Tonight, eight startups will pitch their ideas to this highly educated, sometimes skeptical crowd — hoping for suggestions, publicity and maybe funding.
“Going in with a venture capitalist is a lot like going into a marriage. I would like to know someone very in depth before I decide to give them a lot of money,” said GGV Capital associate Andrew Manoske.
In that case, consider this a first date. The pitch starts like what you’d hear in a board room. Though instead of a few people to captivate, you’ve got a few hundred and most of them had a few drinks while the DJ was playing. It helps to start with a joke.
“Anyone else feel like starting a startup? The reality is you’re actually going to lose your job,” said a man who pitched.
But aside from the music and the refreshments, there’s one other little thing here you won’t find in a boardroom, and actually the clock is not so little.
“Uh, the clock was — good,” said a man who pitched. “Definitely makes you be concise and probably miss some things,” said another.
Just like in speed dating, you have five minutes. Not a second more.
“And if you can’t get your point across in five minutes then you’ve got some work to do,” said Weissleder.
Then come the questions, but survive the grilling and you could be like Xavier Damman.
Cool enough for the president and Oprah, social media tool Storify debuted here last year and has since raised $2 million. Now, its young CEO and co-founder, Xavier Damman, is back on a second date. Not to brag, but to inspire the young, casually dressed, perhaps slightly tipsy people he thinks can change the world.
“There is a better future ahead of us. And we just need to shape it and entrepreneurs, hackers are the ones who’re going to shape this future,” said Damman.
Demos from Engagio, Citizen Software, mention, Heirloom, Playmysong, Yogome, more!
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We know designing a presentation can be stressful…especially if you’re using a software, like Prezi, which you’re unfamiliar with. Have no fear, that’s where we come in. Put your worries aside by letting us design your next prezi. We can deliver a polished and professional product, no matter how hard the job. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression so let us tell your story with high quality visuals, custom design, and no outtakes.
Our team has an extensive amount of experience designing prezis from Fortune 500 companies to TED speakers. Whether you need help with prezi training, prezi design, or even some one-on-one consulting, we would love to help! is online software for printing nametags, name badges and place name cards. Perfect for your next conference event, meeting, meetup, party or reunion. Sign-up now for a free account and start printing name badges on your own printer.
PointBurst is a unique social media syndication platform that enables organizations to achieve significant reach while protecting consistency.
Maintain all active online communities from a single platform. With the push of a button, publish a consistent message through all social media sites – including all Affiliates’ sites.
Create, store and share marketing assets with Affiliates through the PointBurst library. Expand the reach of every post and provide valuable content to support Affiliates’ marketing activities.
Contact them at / @thepointburst
By providing easy-to-use and powerful building blocks to video content creators, VidCaster’s founders hope to free video producers to focus on the content and the effect their content has on the world instead of technical and workflow logistics. // @vidcaster
Join us today at http://appdevelopersalliance.
As promised via Twitter earlier today — it’s ~3pm and that means it’s time to let discount (and comp!) codes for our event on 5/23 out in to the wild!
If you’re keen on hearing from some super-cool startups (,,,, others), and/or learning first-hand what our old friend Hotmail is up to nowadays, than this event is for you.
Also, Vitamin T, a great recruiting agency for the best digital creative talent on the planet, will be in the house and will be giving away a Kindle Fire to one lucky attendee.
Here are the codes … go nuts. Â Go fast.
0523sfnt-isnoozed = 10% off (25 available)
0523sfnt-whatadeal = 25% off (25 available)
0523sfnt-yeahbaby = 50% (25 available)
0523sfnt-seeyouthere = 100% off (30 available)
Registration and information @ Â http://0523sfnt-codes.
60 Second Spots
Name: Jamar Seay
Name of company or project: The Who’s Who Event
Web Site:
What are you looking for? Or needing help with?:
Come meet people in specific fields of your interest. Have fun with us!
Name: Jon Harada
Name of company or project: Intrax Internships
Web Site:
What are you looking for? Or needing help with?:
Organizations to host interns over the summer in San Francisco. Great experience for both the interns and companies. No cost to participate.
Name: Alvaro Cuesta
Name of company or project: Â Â Â Sonar Ventures
Web Site:
What are you looking for? Or needing help with?:
American startups that are willing to take on the european market risk/free. We become their partners, and give them space, legal help, funding, mk and communication, translation and business development for any european market based on equity on a new company.
Name: Steven Echtman
Name of company or project: HearPlanet
Web Site:
What are you looking for? Or needing help with?:
sales reps
rock stars
voice artists
tour guides
airline pilots
marsupials of all sizes
If you’ve ever left a comment on any site on the web, ever, you know how hard it can be to keep track of comments directed back to you, or in general in that specific thread. Sure, there are several services that can help with this more than common problem, but none help you engage quite like Engagio does it.
Engagio is a Gmail-like Inbox for your social conversations and relationships. Engagio provides a unified engagement dashboard across the various online/social spaces and gives the user a unique visibility about the people behind these conversations and their social identities.
William Mougayar, CEO of Engagio took a moment to speak with us, and here’s some things you should know:
- Engagio is a FREE service!
- They were launched in early Febuary, and currently around the 10,000 user mark.
- Engagio is all about “one on one” relationships.
- “We are a social conversation network, allowing you to follow others via engaging/commenting.”
- When you follow a user via Engagio, it allows you to see conversations only with them. But, you can also see where they are active (other sites) and choose to interact there or not.
- If you get a reply, you get a message in your inbox.
- You can leave a comment, then go back and edit, if you like, and re-share to sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!
- Did we mention its FREE!!??!!
At some point, I’m told there will be a premium service with features like managing multiple accounts and analytics. This is where community managers will really be able to thrive and see results, but I’m sure you can expect advertisement to follow. Community managers won’t be the only ones ready to engage with the above mentioned free service. Anyone who is active on the web can benefit from Williams creation.
So, sign up today, and begin your personal relationship management. Bonus for the SF New Tech community (that’s you!): Anyone that signs up to Engagio AND Tweets about it will be entered into a drawing for an iPad 3! And if you also Share on Facebook, you will increase your chances of winning by two! Just follow this link to sign-up and we’ll automatically recognize your steps. (Note: you MUST share immediately after your signup to qualify for the draw!)
For more information on how to best utilize your new social conversation network, check out the Engagio Blog, and don’t forget to come talk to William in person next week at SF New Tech.