How about that?!
We squeezed out two stellar events in as many weeks during the shortest month of the year!
Last night’s "working smarter" event was kick-ass. If you were there you know. If you weren’t there, well, you missed out!
Big thanks to BizVideosOnline, CloudCrowd, Tweetajob, Refollow, Livevol, SlideRocket for stepping up to demo!
Those in the house got to see this special video about SF New Tech! Check it out (and please ask me where I got that silver-threaded beauty!)
And even better, Allen Tatomer, who made this video for us invited everyone to make their own video for dirt cheap with Reach him at (925) 439-0434 Email:allentatomer
Without further ado, here are some raw links pertaining to last night’s shin dig…
* If you’re interested in following up with one of the folks who made a 60 second announcement, you can find them here:
* The real-time ratings for the demo companies last night are here:
* Check out some (purple) photos from the festivities here:
* The video stream from last night’s event thanks to is here:
Big thanks to our sponsors who help keep the boat afloat! Bullivant Houser Bailey, Sun Startup Essentials,, Mylermedia, Future-Works, The New York Times, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb,, and NerdStalker.
And this just in… The New York Times would like to report that they are on Foursquare at Article on Mashable explains: And followers have the chance to compete for the NYTimes Olympian badge while in Vancouver at the Olympics:
See you on 3/17 at the next SF New Tech!