Archives for October 2008
After every event we ask those who registered for online tickets what they thought of the event.
In case you were wondering, here’s what folks thought about the demos from our October shindig.
An SF New Tech for the ages … Check out these rock stars!
SF New Tech : Apture Demo
SF New Tech : Demo
SF New Tech : Lefora Demo
SF New Tech : Goldmail Demo
SF New Tech : Demo
SF New Tech : PBWiki Demo
Someone’s gotta keep cheering — may as well be us …
Check out SF New Tech in Monday’s San Francisco Chronicle!
October 20, 2008
Full steam ahead: That was the takeaway from SF New Tech’s event earlier this month, when the stock market had just started to crash. Attendees, mostly from the Web 2.0 world, were spilling out the doors, I’m told. Featured exhibitors, like social networking startup, publishing platform provider Apture and wiki toolmaker PBwiki, were greeted like rock stars. "When they got on the stage, the crowd went nuts," said SF New Tech’s organizer, Myles Weissleder.
How to explain, given the gloom descending on the tech sector – not to mention the shellacking administered by the likes of Internet pioneer Tim O’Reilly for some of the Web 2.0’s "stupider and stupider ideas." Weissleder, who’s been in the tech event business for three years, has heard it all before, and he doesn’t buy it. From where he sits, there’s been some damage but the sky isn’t falling.
"There’s no slowdown in people thinking they’ve got the next big thing, that they can become the next Google," he said. "And that’s great. They’re in the trenches, feeling like they’ve got nothing to lose – at least until the rug is pulled out from under them or the money dries up."
Given the tenor of the times, his next get-together in November "could be a flop," he concedes. "But I don’t think that’s going to happen."
— Andrew S. Ross
Here are some hack videos from our SF New Tech Rocks event that took place on September 4, 2008.
We partnered with The San Fran Music Tech Summit to bring some of the best and brightest stars from the world where music and technology merged — and the outcome was phenomenal.
Check out the videos …. and if you like what you see you’d be well-served to reserve your spot for the main event on October 20th. In fact, enter "sfnewtech" upon registering at and score a 10% discount!
SF New Tech Rocks: Demo
SF New Tech Rocks: JamLegend Demo
SF New Tech Rocks: Project Playlist Demo
SF New Tech Rocks: Artist Force Demo
SF New Tech Rocks: Imthemusic Demo
Check out the slide show of recent pictures from SF New Tech!
As promised here are the 60 Second Spots from the 10/08 Event.
Track down that lead from …
- Polar Rose
- Ohmiji
- CribQ
- Qcon Conferences
- Rimon Law Group
- PariSoMA
- VarsID
- Popego
- BiztechDay 2008 – Oct 25
Click here to view details and to obtain contact info.
Password is "sfnewtech"
We’ve added another great company to the demo line up for Wednesday’s SF New Tech event. Joining us will be Tristan Harris CEO of Apture , a very cool tool for publishers to easily add rich media to their online content. It’s VERY cool stuff if you ask me.
Hope to see you there!